Training on learning disabilities

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- Inserm, ed. Dyslexia, Dysorthography, Dyscalculia: Review of the scientific data. Short version.Paris, 2007, 82 p.-(Collective Expert Report).

See more at:


-     Teaching English to children with specificlearning difficulties. Mgr. PavlaTlustošová, MASARYK UNIVERSITY BRNO.

It´s a doctoral thesis  about learning difficulties. There is a little part about dysorthographia. The most useful part is related to how teachers can help to these pupils.





Is from “Thinking ahead”.This is a worldwide movement comprised of intellectuals, artists, critical thinkers, observers of society, parents, doctors, scientists, individuals interested in education and child development, and every walk of life working together to research, summarize, communicate, develop and publish talks, informative publications and videos, and dissiminate information in order to generate an informed point of view to allow us all to THINK AHEAD!

THINKING ahead an Enlightening and Educational Campaign on childhood”, a No - Profit Association, non-partisan and non-confessional.


Several resources in learning disabilities, especially in writing.


It´s from the Research, Society and Culture Centre (Fonds the recherché, Societéet Culture de Quebec)


Is a center who offers different courses and degrees, but if you create an account, you can access to different interesting materials about education.


It´s a book created by the teachers association of Quebec (Canadá).It´s not only about Dysorthographia, but about other learning disabilities.

· Materials created by a team with the support of European Union (Erasmus+ programe) “Supporting higher education students with specific learning difficulties”:

Inclusion&Accessibility in ActionResearch Unit

IPLeiria’s Student Support Service


Informationaboutdysorthography. In thispage, it´savailable a game to workseveralfunctions, notonly in dysorthographia, but in dyslexia.


This is an article whoappears in The National (USA) Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) web. This contributes to improve the knowledge in different sciences and collaborates with the National Library of Medicine (USA).



The usual is to find books not only based on Dysorthography, but about other reading-writing diseases. Here you have some of them:

How to Beat Dyslexia and Dysgraphia - My Story (English Edition) Edition Kindle.
Unlocking Literacy: Effective Decoding and Spelling Instruction, Second Edition. By Marcia K. Henry Ph.D. (Author), Maryanne Wolf (Foreword)
Speech to Print Workbook: Language Exercises for Teachers, Second Edition 2nd Edition, by Louisa Moats Ph.D. (Author)
Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers, Second Edition 2nd Edition, by Louisa Moats Ph.D. (Author)



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